سعر الزعفران المحدث
تاريخ آخر تحديث
سعر الزعفران
- إنتاج وتوريد الزعفران والبرباريس الإيراني بجميع تراخيص التصدير
- يتم اختبار جميع الزعفران لدينا أولاً ومن ثم تسليمه إلى العميل، ويتم توفير العلامة القياسية الإيرانية على منتجات خدمة العملاء.
- نستطيع توفير كروسين الزعفران الذي يرغب به الزبون.
- الفرز والتعبئة تتم في بيئة صحية خالية من أي تلوث.

All Red Saffron (Super Negin)

In this type of saffron, three strands of saffron stigma are connected .
For this reason, it looks more beautiful and has more volume.
Super Nagin saffron saffron has a higher quality compared to other types of saffron in the market, so it is more expensive.

All Red Saffron(Negin)
Negin saffron is like Super Negin and the stigma strings are connected.
And the only difference between Super Negin saffron and Negin saffron is the length of the saffron string, and Negin saffron strings are shorter than Super Negin saffron.

All Red Saffron (Sargol )

It can be said that the only characteristic of Sargol saffron is the redness of its stigma.
In this type of saffron, the white part of saffron is removed and all red saffron is produced (cut string saffron).
This type of saffron is considered the most famous and popular type of saffron inside Iran.

filament saffron (Grade 1 Poushali)
When the string of saffron is separated from the flower, the stigma will have a cream of 1 to 3 mm, which is called saffron, saffron saffron, pushal saffron.
It should be said that it is the best quality and has the highest coloring.

filament saffron (Grade 2 Poushali)

The width of the stigma of Pushal saffron is less compared to that of Kalamdar Pushal.
When the saffron strand is separated from the saffron flower, the stigma will have a cream of 1 to 4 mm, which is called a normal pushal.

filament saffron (Grade 4 Poushali)
This type of saffron is one of the types of saffron, the stigma of saffron has a root of 3 to 5 mm and it has a white root of 3 to 5 cm. The white root of saffron or the stigma and the white root of saffron are related.
Whole strands of saffron are bleached with a thin thread and dried, which gives rise to the saffron of a bunch or dokhtarpich.

White Saffron

After separating the head saffron from the stalk saffron, the root part of the strands remains, this part is known as white saffron or saffron root.
Pollen Saffron

Saffron pollen is the result of sieving Negin saffron and Sargol saffron, and it is used in all kinds of food, especially stewed foods and grilled chicken, as a weaker color and flavor compared to saffron types.